how to get free technology gadgets online (Legally) in 2024

How to get free technology gadgets online: As an e-commerce entrepreneur, I’m always on the lookout for ways to get the products I need without breaking the bank. That’s why I was so excited to discover a completely legitimate method for scoring free stuff on Amazon. In this in-depth blog post, I’m going to walk you through the step-by-step process I use to get free products from Amazon – no strings attached.

The Problem with Amazon Reviews

Before we dive into the free product strategy, it’s important to understand the current state of Amazon reviews. As I mentioned in my recent YouTube video, the vast majority of reviews on Amazon are simply not trustworthy. In fact, I’d estimate that around 80% of the reviews you see are either fake, incentivized, or otherwise manipulated.

The reason for this is simple: Amazon sellers are obsessed with boosting their “best seller rank” (BSR), which is a key metric that determines how prominently their products are displayed on the platform. The lower the BSR, the more sales a product will generate. And one of the primary ways sellers improve their BSR is by incentivizing positive reviews – often by offering free or discounted products in exchange for a review.

This practice is so widespread that there are entire websites and communities dedicated to facilitating these kinds of “review trading” arrangements. As I showed in my video, a simple search for “free Amazon products” will turn up dozens of sites where you can sign up to receive free stuff in exchange for leaving a review.

Now, I’m not here to judge the ethics of this practice. That’s a debate for another time. What I will say is that it’s important to be aware of this issue when shopping on Amazon, as it can be very difficult to distinguish genuine reviews from the fake ones. That’s why I always recommend doing your own research and due diligence before making a purchase, rather than relying solely on the review section.

The Legitimate Way to Get Free Stuff on Amazon

Okay, now that we’ve got that out of the way, let’s talk about how you can actually get free products on Amazon – the right way.

The key is to reach out directly to Amazon sellers and offer to provide an honest, unbiased review of their product in exchange for a free or discounted item. This is a completely legitimate practice that many sellers are happy to engage in, as it helps them boost their sales and visibility on the platform.

Here’s a step-by-step breakdown of how to do it:

Step 1: Find a Product You Want

Start by browsing Amazon and identifying a product that you’re genuinely interested in. It could be anything from a kitchen gadget to a piece of electronics – the key is that it’s something you would actually use and be able to provide a thoughtful review on.

As you’re browsing, pay close attention to the “Sold by” and “Fulfilled by” information in the product listing. You want to look for items that are sold by a third-party seller and fulfilled by Amazon (known as “FBA” or “Fulfillment by Amazon”). These are the sellers who are most likely to be open to offering free products in exchange for reviews.

Step 2: Reach Out to the Seller

Once you’ve found a product you’re interested in, it’s time to reach out to the seller. The best way to do this is by using the “Ask a question” feature on the product page. Simply click the “Ask a question” button and compose a message along these lines:

Hi there,

I’m really interested in your [product name] and was wondering if you’d be willing to send me a free or discounted version in exchange for an honest, unbiased review. I’m an active Amazon customer with a history of leaving thoughtful reviews, and I’d be happy to provide you with my feedback on the product.

Please let me know if this is something you’d be open to. I’d be more than happy to work with you on this.

[Your Name]

The key here is to be polite, professional, and upfront about your intentions. Don’t try to deceive the seller or hide the fact that you’re looking for a free product – they’ll appreciate your honesty and be more likely to work with you.

Step 3: Negotiate the Terms

If the seller is interested in your offer, they’ll likely reach out to you to discuss the terms. This might include things like:

  • The specific product you’ll receive
  • The timeline for when you’ll receive the product and when you’ll need to leave the review
  • Any specific requirements or instructions for the review (e.g., minimum word count, inclusion of photos/videos, etc.)
  • Whether you’ll receive a full refund or just a partial discount on the product

Be sure to negotiate these terms carefully and get everything in writing before agreeing to anything. You want to make sure you’re both on the same page and that the arrangement is fair for both parties.

Step 4: Receive the Product and Leave the Review

Once you’ve agreed on the terms, the seller will send you the product. When you receive it, be sure to use it thoroughly and take your time crafting a thoughtful, honest review. Don’t feel obligated to leave a positive review if you’re not genuinely satisfied with the product – the seller is looking for your honest feedback, not just a glowing review.

Once you’ve left the review, the seller will typically refund your purchase or provide you with a discount code to cover the cost of the product.

The Benefits of This Approach

There are several key benefits to this approach to getting free stuff on Amazon:

1. It’s Completely Legitimate

Unlike the shady “review trading” schemes I mentioned earlier, this method of obtaining free products is 100% above-board and in line with Amazon’s policies. You’re not trying to game the system or deceive anyone – you’re simply providing honest, unbiased feedback in exchange for a free or discounted product.

2. It Helps Sellers Improve Their Products

By providing genuine, thoughtful feedback to sellers, you’re actually helping them improve their products and better serve their customers. This is a win-win situation, as it benefits both the seller and the consumer.

3. It Builds Your Credibility as a Reviewer

As an active, honest reviewer on Amazon, you’ll start to build a reputation and following. This can open the door to even more opportunities to get free products in the future, as sellers will be eager to work with a reviewer they know they can trust.

4. It Saves You Money

Of course, the most obvious benefit is that you get to try out products for free or at a heavily discounted price. This can add up to significant savings over time, especially if you’re an avid Amazon shopper.

Tips for Success

To get the most out of this free product strategy, here are a few additional tips:

1. Be Selective

Don’t just request free products willy-nilly. Be strategic and only request items that you’re genuinely interested in and will use. This will ensure that you provide high-quality, valuable reviews that the seller can actually benefit from.

2. Build Relationships with Sellers

If you find a seller that you enjoy working with, try to establish an ongoing relationship with them. This can lead to more opportunities for free products in the future, as well as potential collaborations or even affiliate marketing opportunities.

3. Provide Detailed, Honest Feedback

When leaving your reviews, be sure to provide detailed, honest feedback. Don’t just write a few sentences – take the time to thoroughly test the product and share your genuine thoughts and experiences. This will be much more valuable to the seller than a generic, one-sentence review.

4. Stay Within Amazon’s Guidelines

While this method is completely legitimate, it’s important to stay within Amazon’s guidelines for reviews. Avoid anything that could be seen as deceptive or manipulative, such as asking the seller to provide you with a specific review template or script.


There you have it – a completely legitimate way to get free products on Amazon in 2023. By reaching out directly to sellers and offering to provide honest, unbiased reviews, you can score all kinds of cool stuff without breaking the bank.

Just remember to be selective, build relationships with sellers, and always provide detailed, thoughtful feedback. If you do that, you’ll not only save money, but you’ll also be helping to improve the overall quality and trustworthiness of Amazon reviews.

So what are you waiting for? Start browsing Amazon and reach out to some sellers – your free product haul is waiting!

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